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Guitar Straps: What makes a good custom design?

July 31, 2014 2 min read

Guitar Straps: What makes a good custom design?



Are you thinking about designing your own guitar strap? There is no absolute one way to design a good strap, but there are some things to think about that might make it easier for you to decide that you might want to go for a custom strap rather than choose from the strap store.

HTC, the electronics manufacturer, funded a study about design, in order to validate something that they thought might be true: Good Design Makes You Happy. They found that a functionally designed product was useful, but a beautiful functionally designed product was not only useful, but calming, and that it fed your creativity as well.


StrapGraphics will do its part: we make a highly functional strap, in several different materials and compelling styles, but if you want to truly make it yours, then we encourage you to utilize your design skills by getting familiar with the design tool on the website.

After choosing your material and width, you will want to make some basic decisions about your strap, and exactly what kind of message that you want the design to convey. There will be different levels of marketing expertise among our customers, and we provide access to professional tools if you want to use them.

For those of you who need some inspiration, here are some basic thoughts on graphic design,

The visual impact will be decided by the way that you use the different sizes, colors, and textural values of your elements.

A certain amount of contrast will create interest. Decide how you will use the basic advertising principle of repetition. Will you repeat a word, or will you integrate the concept of contrast here to repeat your logo in different sizes?

Do you want to guide the eye-flow to go up and down the strap, or to be more static, with pictures stacked vertically? Whatever is biggest in the design will indicate your priorities. Again, the use of a logo is relevant here, and it’s a good chance to develop your brand by using your correct colors. (This isn’t the time or place to mess with your logo color!)

Your design should be balanced by the combination of fonts, colors, sizes and images, so that a message can be conveyed with economy. You can combine a lot of concepts in just a few visual units.


The outstanding aspect of your design, whether it is a word, a color, or a combination of factors, should help to convey your style and the mood of your creativity.

All of this in the area of a Guitar Strap? You bet! Have some fun with it, and you will discover how much of your own personality and intention can be conveyed in a few square inches of space. A custom strap can be an important contribution to every performance.

Contact us for help with all aspects of comfort, design, performance, and guitars. It’s what we do.